Teeth Whitening

Your smile is one of the first things that people notice when they meet you. White teeth are no longer just for celebrities. Advancements in teeth whitening are safer and more affordable for almost anyone wanting a brighter smile.

Professional Teeth Whitening is NOW AVAILALBE at Spa400! Call to book your appointment 716-631-1516.

  • Relaxing In-office Treatment
  • Highly Effective
  • 2-4 Shades Lighter
  • Enjoy $10 OFF

Perhaps you are on the fence about teeth whitening. Teeth whitening is a safe, life-enhancing process that can have positive effect on both your physical appearance and psychological health.

4 Benefits of Teeth Whitening:

  1. Teeth Whitening Boosts Self Confidence - With teeth whitening, your self-confidence will skyrocket. Whether you're at work, on a date, giving a presentation, or just walking down the street, a smile with bright, sparkly teeth is hard to miss! Whiter teeth are also an indication to others that you take care of yourself and care about your appearance.

  2. Teeth Whitening Enhances Your Appearance - You might have the healthiest teeth and straightest smile but you're not immune to the damage that everyone faces from everyday food and drink. Foods, coffee, tea, and soda stain our teeth over time. After the proper whitening procedure, you'll instantly notice the difference without having to 'filter' and/or edit your photos. Teeth whitening will help combat stains from your everyday food and drink.

  3. Teeth Whitening Reduces The Appearance Of Wrinkles - If you're self-conscious about wrinkles, teeth whitening may be a great option for you! Instead of focusing on wrinkles, people are more likely to focus on your bright white smile. This will draw attention away from appearance of surrounding wrinkles, acne scars, and frown lines.

  4. Teeth Whitening Doesn't Break The Bank - Teeth whitening doesn't cost as much as a plastic surgery! A touch-up kit after an in-office treatment will be enough to prolong the effect of your teeth whitening. The combination of the in-office teeth whitening session and a continuation of your at-home kit enhancer is a small price tag that produces big results.

Call to book your appointment Today! 716-631-1516.

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