One in five American adults experience chronic pain!
With nearly 20.5% of the US adult population dealing with chronic pain, it’s no wonder our country has such a problem with pain medication. We would like to turn our energies to a solution instead...
Massage therapy and Reflexology have long been known to be an effective way to reduce stress and alleviate pain. During a session, serotonin levels increase measurably, which reduces pain naturally. In fact, field studies have provided enough supportive evidence that massage therapy and reflexology are recommended as an effective non-pharmaceutical pain management therapy.
Massage therapy and reflexology is even being implemented into critical care environments, like hospitals, chemotherapy clinics, cardiac units, and labor and delivery units.
Why is massage therapy so effective at reducing pain?
Because massage therapy and reflexology…
- Promote relaxation and alleviate the perception of pain
- Reduce anxiety
- Naturally increase deep sleep (often lacking in those with chronic or severe pain)
- Increase range of motion to promote healing and blood flow
- And improve mood
Together, these powerful benefits of therapeutic massage create the perfect emotional and physiological conditions to promote healing and a more positive sense of wellbeing.
If you or someone you care about struggles with fibromyalgia, joint pain, chronic headaches, or other causes of long-term or difficult to manage pain, please reach out to see how we can help - give us a call 716-631-3555 x4256.